Sunday, 4 October 2015

The Time Lord's Shirts

Hello, fellow Whovians! 

Yesterday I had the chance to pop in to Budd Shirtmakers in Piccadilly arcade, not far from where many of the Doctor Who fabrics are bought from.

In the shop, I spoke to James, the man who cut the shirts for Peter Capaldi! He had been telling me that when Peter first came in for his fitting, he had only just been announced as the Doctor, and was very shy and quiet when having his fitting. 

At first, there were about 4 shirts commissioned. When filming began, it was obvious they would need loads more shirts, so they ordered in lots of 4 or 6. James told me that everyday a shirt would be damaged or ruined, so shirts would be sent in for repairs, and often on a short notice! Often shirts were damaged beyond repair, so new shirts would have to be cut. 

A bit later, James took out THE bolt of fabric from which Peter's shirts were cut from!

It's a very thin and luxurious fabric. It's a cotton called Soyella, woven in Switzerland, and is very soft to the touch, almost like silk. After feeling the fabric for a couple of minutes, James proceeded to get the patterns out for Peter's collar.

As you can see in the photo, Peter has a longer collar than normal, ending quite sharply at the tips. These are the templates they used -

Once we finished chatting about the white fabric, James got out probably the coolest scissors I've ever seen, and cut out a long big swatch for me.

I am planning to buy myself a couple metres for commemorative purposes, as well as get a shirt in the same fabric, with the Peter Capaldi collar. If you want to ask for a swatch - don't hesitate to ask me :)

After finding out all I could about the white shirt, he told me that they had also made some other shirts for Peter, but using fabric brought to them by the costume designer. 

Yes, this is the polka dot shirt from Kill the Moon. 

It is believed that the shirt is a black and white shirt. In actual fact, the fabric used is a printed design of white spots on a navy background. 

The fabric itself is a silk twill, woven in Italy, with the design being double printed on. The production team ordered 4 of these shirts (notice the crossed out "Capadil"!)

I think the reason the BBC went through so much trouble to have this fabric printed out, and have the shirts custom made, only to be used for 5 minutes of screen time is because the episode didn't really demand many new costumes, as most of the space suits were reused from previous seasons, so to spend the budget, they had to literally "waste" money on something - hence the shirts. I have a supply, so if you want some - please contact me. 

I do have one last present on the way for me, but I'll have to wait another week for it to arrive... 

Stay tuned! 

'Till the next time :) 

1 comment:

  1. I almost bought the fabric for this but for a shirt that I really wasn't sold on and as expensive as it was I ended up passing. Figured I would probably get an alt to have but not one I would probably wear much...
